The Science of Goodbye
For Eloise (3/15/12 - 1/29/21)
I’m here
-- the snow falling
-Kobayashi Issa
How could this goat who practiced
with such devotion her grazing,
weaving acres upon acres of tall grass
in July, red clover and bluegrass,
thieving leaves from autumn,
gathering tapestries that trailed her
as she trod swiftly through space,
the bluebirds silently
reverent, birches bowing to her elegance
and understated grace -- how
could this goat, who was birthed into my hands
years ago by her mother, Orion,
having browsed undetected
through the fabric of time, suddenly appear
old and wind-swept at my feet,
blanketed in snow, compressed by falling ice flowers
clarifying her last breath?
Just yesterday I read of a Vermont farmer,
Wilson Bentley, who studied snowflakes
as they fell, over a century ago,
and discovered that no one single design
ever repeated. Each one was unique.
To prove it he snapped hundreds
even thousands of portraits,
so as to discern each one’s having been
before it was “lost forever,”melted
or sublimated, a billion tiny farewells,
mastering the science of
It was reported that he used for his backgrounds
a rectangular swath of black velvet
with which to catch, as it fell,
each “letter from the sky,”
not unlike what gathers now
in the very centers of her eyes. O
Eloise, your pupils have absorbed
into their cores the countless
impressions that each day gifted,
each season presented, each morning
and afternoon and dusk
offered up, a lifetime spent with us
here on this hillside.
Tell me, sweet girl,
did they all swirl inward at the end,
did your universe of faint impressions,
squeezed from the velvet,
pour down a new axis, funnel into
a felt center, in the fashion
of the black hole
that I watched on the screen
as a child, alone in my room, a final
rush of sensations, recouped
in reverse?
Did you see your life in reverse,
as I do in this instant? Feel yourself young
and weightless, free of all aches,
heart thumping triumphantly,
ready to explore every thread?
Did you recognize those eyes
of the kid staring back at you
who has sprung suddenly to her feet,
emerging from a puddle of napping peers
to arch and stretch her back,
then BOUND with reckless glee
into a snowdrift that a late spring blizzard
white goat in white snow!
The pure joy she exudes, suffused
and backlit.
Snapping the photo
at that moment--no doubt over-exposed
and washed out
by the sun suspended above
in a bluebird sky--would reveal:
two tiny black holes
disembodied, adrift,
orbs of wonder, freely flowing.
Hold us there,
o Lord, hold us fast
in that stare, freeze that frame,
make it tidal, so we can witness her declare,
one last time, I am here. One last time,
I am here.

-lucas farrell